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What to Do with Flowers After a Ceremony

Published: April 26, 2024

What should you do with the flowers brought to a funeral ceremony. 

Flowers play a significant role in funerals, serving as a visual tribute to the departed and offering comfort to the family and friends in mourning. After a funeral ceremony, many families find themselves with more floral arrangements than they can manage to keep.

Deciding what to do with these flowers can be a part of the healing process, allowing families to honor their loved ones further while handling the practicalities compassionately. Here are thoughtful and meaningful ways to manage funeral flowers after the ceremony.

Sharing Flowers with Family and Friends

One of the simplest and most meaningful ways to handle excess funeral flowers is to share them with those who attended the ceremony. Encourage family members, friends, and attendees to take a bouquet home as a memento of the departed. This act can extend the beauty and sentiment of the flowers beyond the funeral, providing comfort to loved ones in the days that follow.

Donating to Hospitals, Nursing Homes, or Churches

Donating funeral flowers can spread the love and memory of the deceased while bringing joy to others. Many hospitals, nursing homes, and churches welcome flower donations, as they can brighten the spaces and lift the spirits of those who frequent these venues. Before donating, it’s wise to call ahead and confirm that the facility accepts flower donations, as some may have restrictions due to allergies or policies.

Creating Memorial Keepsakes

For a lasting tribute, consider turning funeral flowers into keepsakes. This can be done by:

Drying or Pressing Flowers: Flowers from the funeral can be dried or pressed and used to create memorial bookmarks, framed art, or even included in thank-you cards. These keepsakes can serve as a constant reminder of the loved one and the support of friends and family during the mourning period.

Memorial Jewelry: Some companies specialize in creating memorial jewelry from funeral flowers. This can include embedding petals in resin to form beautiful and wearable tributes.

Composting for a Memorial Garden

If the deceased was a nature lover or gardener, turning the funeral flowers into compost for a garden can be a fitting tribute. Composting these flowers and using the resulting material to nourish a garden can symbolize the continuing cycle of life and create a living memorial that loved ones can visit and tend.

Holding a Flower Scattering Ceremony

Similar to scattering ashes, scattering flower petals can be a symbolic way to say goodbye. Organize a gathering in a meaningful place—such as a favorite park, garden, or family home—where attendees can scatter flower petals while sharing memories or readings. This can be a healing and intimate follow-up to the formal funeral.

Returning Flowers to Nature

For an eco-friendly option, consider returning the flowers to nature. This could involve:

Planting Flowers: If the arrangements include potted plants or flowers, consider planting them in a garden. This not only honors the loved one but also contributes to the environment.

Natural Decomposition: Lay the flowers in a natural area where they can decompose naturally, such as a forest or over a grave in a green cemetery.

Contact Holloway Funeral Home to Plan a Funeral Service in Oldsmar

The flowers received at a funeral are more than just decorations; they are a symbol of love and respect for the departed. By finding meaningful ways to repurpose or redistribute these flowers, families can extend the beauty and sentiment they represent. Whether it’s sharing them with others, donating them to a charitable cause, or using them to create lasting memorials, the choices are as varied and special as the loved one being remembered.

Holloway Funeral Home in Oldsmar understands the importance of honoring the lives of your loved ones through traditional funeral services. From the initial planning stages to the final committal service, our compassionate staff is here to guide you through each step of the process.

For more information about our funeral services, please contact Holloway Funeral Home—we are here for you during this challenging time.

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